Special Sunday School Event This Week!
Dear Sunday School Teachers and Families,
Just a reminder … This Sunday is Parent/Grandparent/Godparent/Grown-Up Friend Visiting Day in Sunday School, ages 3 through Grade 6. Students should meet in their classrooms at 9:45am as usual. Teachers should take attendance and then come to the fellowship hall (side facing the front of the church) and sit at the tables provided. The Spring Mission Project will be introduced – Meals for the Hungry. This program is being spearheaded by a former student of Maddie Siss at Northwest Regional High School in Winsted. Her goal is to raise $12,500 by June to provide 50,000 meals for hungry neighbors right here in northwestern CT.
We will show a video and then students and their adult visitors will be decorating collection cans to save money in. We hope to have the young woman as a guest of ours at a date and time to be announced shortly. Children sometimes enjoy hearing from the person who is actually “doing” the project.
Most children can identify with the word “Hunger.” While most of our children are well-fed, the fact that they sometimes feel like they are “starving” if they can’t have a snack instantly, they know that they’ve had to wait in hunger. We will not be having a snack on Sunday to try to get the point across to them that not everyone has the food they need all of the time.
I hope to see each of you on Sunday!
Blessings be!