What would Luther do today?
We are in the 500th Anniversary Year of the Reformation, initiated by Martin Luther in 1517. The ELCA and Bishop Elizabeth Eaton invite you to a course entitled “What Would Luther Do Today?” through ChurchNext in partnership with Union Theological Seminary – the new merge between the Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and Gettysburg Theological Seminary – and the ELCA publisher, Augsburg Fortress. The course can be done individually OR in a group setting. Here at St. Paul’s we will be offering the series in a group at date(s) to be decided shortly. Free registration has been extended through January 30th. Some St. Paul’s members have already registered. A preview to the course is offered in the forwarded message by ELCA Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. You must register individually online. Please be sure to let the church know of your intention to participate and if you would like to participate as part of a group course/discussion. (E-mail:secretary@stpaulstorrington.com)
Clearly the 95 Theses (reasons for leaving the Roman Catholic Church) that Luther posted on the church door in 1517 outline his dissension. What would a contemporary Luther think of the challenges and issues that face the world today? This is a great way to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the church.
Open to people of all faiths and backgrounds, we are told that over 800 people from 19 countries have already registered. Won’t you join us?
Click the below link for the details: