Hilltop Christian Nursery School
Summer Newsletter 2016
This newsletter covers July and August. The next edition will come out at the end of August for September! Have a great summer!
Click here to read the Good News! Summer Newsletter 2016
May Newsletter 2016
Better late than never! Sorry for the delay in this posting!
May 2016 The Good News!
April 2016 Newsletter! Read the Good News!
Click the link below to read this month’s newsletter!
The Good News! April 2016
Read the Good News for February 2016!
As you may have noticed, we did not have a newsletter for January due to lack of content. We have included January’s milestones in this edition because we did not want to think we forgot about you!
Hilltop News January 2016
We opted not to due a newsletter for January. Jan Sosnicki submitted her article before we decide not to publish so we thought we would share it with you here!
Christmas through the eyes of the children is always magical! We were busy preparing for the holiday making gifts for our families and learning about the birth of Jesus. We sang “Away in a Manger” and “C’mon Ring Those Bells!” Our families joined us for our celebration day! We sang songs and ate delicious Christmas goodies!
Portraits from Ted Morton Photography arrived in time for families to use them in their Christmas cards. As always, the portraits were beautiful. Hilltop receives a small commission from sales, and it will be added to the Enrichment Fund which brings in extra programming and play yard improvements which are not in the regular budget.
Sadly, Mrs. Larosa had to resign from her positon here at Hilltop due to family changes that she had to attend to. We are currently searching for a new teacher for the 2 year old and 3 year old classes. If you know anyone who might be interested, please send them our way!
Registration at Hilltop for the 2016-2017 school year has begun! Rachel and the office staff are handling the registrations. Registration for active church members and current Hilltop families started in December. Registration will be opened to the general public on January 19, 2016. Please call the school office if you have any questions about the school. School office hours are Monday through Friday 9:00-4:30. We will have an Open House for the public on January 11th 9:30-11:00 a.m. and 1:00-2:00 for interested families.
2015 has been a year of adjustments. We partnered with the Torrington Public Schools and now have one of their preschool classes housed here at Hilltop. Our School Readiness class was “improved” through federal funding and now runs for 6 hours a day. We have added a new class of 2 year olds as well! These changes meant we had to expand our space to accommodate the changes. Though our School Readiness class is full, the private pay part of our school still has openings. We were blessed with a generous gift this year from the Porritt family which we expect to help families who need assistance in meeting tuition as well as improving our playroom.
Thank you for supporting Hilltop with your prayers.
Have a wonderful New Year. Thank you for all the support that you give to Hilltop.
In His Service,
Jan Sosnicki