July Newsletter
Wow – the graduates were really featured in this edition. If we missed anyone, please let us know and we’ll honor them in the August newsletter.
Wow – the graduates were really featured in this edition. If we missed anyone, please let us know and we’ll honor them in the August newsletter.
You were all probably thinking you were going to receive the newsletter on Friday, huh? Well, surprise! It happened on a Saturday instead. (Trying to reduce the errors to a mere hundred or so – ha!).
Thanks to several more people who signed up for GoodSearch. We jumped from 28-31 supporters. Every penny counts and it doesn’t cost you a cent. Why not try it out?
There was some last minute information flying back and forth this week, so if you see a change that needs to be made, please let us know before it is mailed on May 1st. Thank you all!
Don’t forget Safe Church Training, May 5th from 9am-12pm – Refreshments/Babysitting available!