Announcements and Sunday Bulletins June 20 & 27 2021
The Council met this pass Monday evening and have update the Covid-19 Guidelines for church:
Fully vaccinated people may worship indoors without masks, and face masks are recommended for people who are not vaccinated. Anyone who wants to wear a mask may continue to do so.
We will no longer do temperature checks.
Pews will remain socially distance for the time being. This will be reevaluated at the monthly meetings of Worship & Music and Council.
We will go at least another month without singing. This will also be reevaluated at the next council meeting.
Also decided at the council meeting is the Church Service will change to 9:00 am for the summer beginning July 4, 2021
Rachel is on vacation the week of June 21st. Please call ahead if you plan to come to the office to make sure someone is there.