Romans 12, verse 6: “We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.”
The Congregational Care Committee is expanding its ministry. Until now our mission
has been to provide meals for people who are ill, have a new baby, etc. Once in a great
while we’re very busy for a couple of weeks, but we’re often not called on for several
months. That leaves a lot of time for helping people in other ways. We would love for
you to join us in our new, expanded mission. Do you like to drive? We are looking for
people willing to take others to appointments or shopping. Maybe you’re a very sociable
sort and would gladly stay with a homebound person while the caregiver goes shopping
or just gets a break. These are just a couple of examples of how we can further serve
our community. The Church office is often asked for a variety of assistance. With more people, each with their own gifts to offer, the Congregational Care Committee can be the focal point at St. Paul’s to fill those needs.
If you are interested in joining us, please call the office at 860-482-3555.
Many needs to be met and many gifts to meet those needs.
Bonnie Schaff