St. Paul’s is responsible to serve at the Torrington Soup Kitchen, located in the basement of Trinity Church, the second Sunday of every month. Having two teams allows each team to serve only six times per year.
We meet at the soup kitchen between 11:45-12:00 PM; we then prepare the meal which is designated by the soup kitchen director. Before we serve, someone from our team says Grace or asks the patrons if anyone would like to say a prayer. We then serve the meal between 1:00-2:00PM, and then clean up and we are usually done by 2:30PM.
Usually in March we are joined by the upcoming confirmation class. The children prepare home made soup and serve the patrons at the soup kitchen. This is a wonderful ministry for our children to be a part of.
The goal that we have is to simply serve a hot meal to as many people who come through the door that day, and to provide a sense of fellowship. We usually serve around 80 people each Sunday. We leave there with a feeling of giving back to society and thankfulness for what we have in our lives.