In-person services are resuming on February 14.

Friends and Members of St. Paul’s…at our Council meeting last evening the decision was made to return to in-person worship this coming weekend, Feb. 14. The service will begin at 10am. All CDC guidelines are to be carefully observed – masks, hand sanitizing, social distance except from those in your household, no singing, individual prepackaged communion, no mingling coming in or out of the nave, temperatures taken on the way in, no bulletins, etc. Caution should be taken by anyone who has high risk factors, or who may be asymtomatic carriers because of your daily contacts. Vaccinations should be received by all who are eligible as soon as possible. Given our space, these practices will provide a safe way for us to gather. We will still record the service for later watching, and, if the equipment is all working, we will also try to live stream. Please contact me if you have any concerns or questions. *Also watch the media because the weather is looming, too, so we’ll have to factor that into our plans. God’s peace. Pastor Scott Cady
****Media to check for cancellations are as follows: your local news (WFSB, WVIT, WTIC, WTNH), listen to WZBG, check our website, check your e-mail if you are subscribed to receive emails, or check on Facebook!*****