Change of Plans for August 3, 2022

The 6:00 pm Bible Study is cancelled for tomorrow evening due to the fact that Pastor is not available. The 5 :00pm discussion group will meet. Sorry for any inconvenience and see you next week.
Friends and members of St. Paul’s Torrington…Sorry, but the forecast is still really messy for today. Stay home if you are able. No Bible Study this evening. We’ll pick up Romans 5 next week. The office is closed until tomorrow morning.
Friends of St. Paul’s…snow is not heavy, but it is slick in the parking lot and walkways. Maybe on side roads, too. We’ll call off Bible study for this evening. Peace, SC
As we imagined, we will cancel Bible study and other events at St. Paul’s Torrington today, Tuesday, March 13. Please stay safe, warm. A good day to make soup, or bake something. Pastor Scott Cady