Quassy Outing cancelled

Due to lack of interest, the Quassy Outing scheduled for this weekend is cancelled. Keep an eye out for future youth and family events!
Thank you!

Please have items in by this Sunday October 31st.

Reformation Food Drive
Five hundred and four years ago Martin Luther broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran Church was born. In honor of the 504 years, the ninth-grade confirmation class will host a non-perishable food drive during the month of October. We are asking you to prayerfully consider how you might help. All types of non-perishables are needed; pasta, rice, instant potatoes, soups, stews, veggies, fruit, hot and cold cereals, canned & bottled juices, hot chocolate, coffee, & tea, pancake mix & syrup, granola bars, peanut butter & jelly, puddings and Jello, snacks of all types, canned tuna, chicken, hash, and anything else that will help feed a hungry neighbor. Five hundred and four items sounds like a lot, but in the five Sundays in October, we believe we can meet our goal! Please help by adding a few items to your shopping list each week and help us surpass our goal!
All Saints Sunday
Names Needed
As tradition has it here at St. Paul’s, the names of those saints who have died during the last year are read, a candle lit in their memory, and the bell is tolled on All Saints Sunday, celebrated on November 7th this year. Please be sure to get the full name of your loved one who has died since last November 1st to Rachel by October 31st. 860-482-3555 or