Reminder! Scholarship Applications are due by Sunday, April 24, 2022

Reminder that Scholarship applications are due on April 24, 2022
Please remember to allot enough time for Pastor Cady to finish his portion.
Scholarship Application 2022
Scholarship Deadline extended to May 8th
Reminder! Scholarship deadline is April 30,2020
Scholarship Application available now!
Special Presentation this Sunday after service! Also Scholarship Sunday has been postponed a week!
Please join us after worship in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, August 4th for a presentation on the Creative Living Community of CT. Cindy Hall, an ELCA Deacon, and Lynn Gustafson have been working for years to develop a farmstead community for adults living with autism and similar issues. Come learn about this innovative project, and how it might have an impact on some of our members or families. Here is a link to their website if you would like to get familiar with their mission.
Also, due to a baptism, it was decided to move Scholarship Sunday to August 11th. See you then!