Youth Food Collection for the 30 Hour Famine- This Saturday!
The Youth Group is holding their annual 30 Hour Famine this weekend, March 22 &23. They will be doing a Food Drive collection and will be stopping by houses between 10am and 3pm on Saturday the 23rd. The food will be donated to the Fish Food Pantry in Torrington. Please email your address to if you would like the youth to stop at your house for the collection! Monetary donations are also welcome for the cause!
No Sunday School but Church is on!
The parking lot is a bit slippery so we are going to cancel Sunday School and let the parking lot melt a little more. Church is on as scheduled. Please travel safely!
Youth sponsored Movie Night postponed
The Youth movie night fundraiser scheduled for tomorrow night, 1/26/18, is postponed to a date to be announced. Please stay tuned for a new date for the viewing and discussion of the movie “I Can Only Imagine”.