Thursdays during Lent- Potluck and Devotion
This year instead of the traditional Soup and Salad dinners hosted by committees, we are shifting to pot luck style meal. We are inviting everyone to bring something. Lighter fare is encouraged as Lent is not a time to indulge. A few suggestions: salads-green, gelatin, egg, tuna etc. for sandwiches, hors d’oeuvres, simple dessert, and beverages. We are seeking volunteers to assist with set up and clean up.
Please join us for a simple Pot Luck dinner and time of devotion. Beginning on Thursday February 22nd at 5:45-6:30 for dinner and 6:30-7:15 for devotion.

Time is running out to get your Grinder, Chef Salad and Chili orders in!
Grinder, Salad, and Chili Sale & Non-Perishable Food Drive to Benefit Friendly Hands Food Bank!
Due date for orders is Tuesday, February 6.
Pick up will be noon to 2 pm on Saturday February 10.
Please help us support your neighbors in need.