Saturday, November 5th from 9am – 3pm is the date of St. Paul’s 11th Annual Fall Fair. A small but mighty group of women has been busy for months now creating things for the fair each Wednesday afternoon. There are a couple of weeks left if you’d like to join us on Wednesday afternoons from 1-3pm.
We invite the congregation’s help in making the fair a success. We always have the popular theme basket drawing. The themes of the baskets this year are: Crock Pot Supper, Kreative Kidz, Snack Attack, Some Like it Hot, Puzzle Me This, Angels Among Us, Chocolate, Ahhhh! Relax, Just Add Ice Cream, Car/Home Maintenance, Let’s Eat Cake/Baking, Game’s On, Helping Hands, and Gluten Free. Committees and organizations within the church are donating items to fill the baskets and the congregation is invited to bring things too! The baskets are located in the Parlor and are marked accordingly.
For the second year in a row we are planning a Silent Auction as part of the Fair. We are seeking donations of “high end” items and hand made things. Silent bids will be placed throughout the fair and winners announced at the end. If you have a donation to make for this, please let us know.
Lastly, the ever-popular bakery sale will also be held. St. Paul’s Women held a baking night to make Scandinavian Almond Cakes for the fair and we are seeking donations of all sorts of homemade goodies. There have been requests for homemade fudge of any sort. If you have a knack for making fudge, won’t you share your expertise with us?
The Fair is sponsored by St. Paul’s Women but it is meant for the entire congregation to enjoy and support. The proceeds of the fair support many missions and ministries which include the Angel Project and our annual educational scholarship, and so much more. Some of the projects we’ve supported in the past include the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund, Lutheran Home of Southbury’s electric bed fund, Relay for Life, and WorkCamp.
Feel free to call Lisa Bodnar (860/626-7103 or or Paula Rosenbeck (860/567-9505 or should you have questions. Return this form to the offering plate or to the church office.
Yes, I/We can help!
Baking Silent Auction Donation(s) Theme Basket Donations
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